Minggu, 18 November 2012


 Fashion show now become separate trend at the moment. start from child age, children, adolescent, until adult. however if/when us see fashion show in elementary school or nursery school, impure children style of child. role [of] old fellow or teacher very predominating as a result in child there are soul/ head and adult behavior 
 this is a few/little fashion show picture in elementary school nine jambi. very regrettably. what a its goodness let children expand as according to separate child person. fashion show in order to pensidor in country elementary school nine very voluptuous is. proven of talent from child child very can be prided upon.

Hence for the year of year to come. Let children develop talent down alley and interest had by child. We are as old fellow and teacher remain justly to instruct. because any of and talent ability of child is God-given. Let children enjoy child world. We don't force according to our willingness of adult 
 Hopefully executed by exhibition dress in elementary school nine jambi. still going on to other school school by and own its creativity.

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